From the Campaign Trail

March 3rd
What a chilly day on the door knocking campaign trail today! I met some great people in the 4-1 today, and look forward to meeting even more!

Knock Knock!
Feb. 24th

I had a great day walking the hood and door-knocking. So many interesting people in Abington and so much good food!
Note to other candidates:
Campaigning on late Sunday afternoons is the way to go!
Refuse no contribution and prepare to eat your way through the neighborhood. You’ll understand why you walked 4 miles but somehow gained 3 pounds 😉

Thanks to all Who Came Last Night!
Feb. 20
What a great turn out last night!
Thank you, Ward 4, for stopping by and representing.
Special thanks to Rep. Madeleine Dean for the food and snacks.
Had to put a limit on my daughter’s cookie in-take.
Also, can’t forget the ARDC for putting on another great event. Pictures of the event to follow soon…

Our Journey Begins
Feb. 19th
Tonight officially begins our journey… Please stop by the “Old School House” on Susquehanna Rd. (across from the YMCA) and join me for a Petition Signing Party.
You’ll get to meet some great candidates for local offices and other Representatives and Commissioners in our area.
The event begins at 7:30 PM.
See you there!

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